Baltic Cruise 2011
Our 3 week trip & cruise to Europe.

> To The Airport (San Francisco, CA) (Aug 2011) [4]
> In Flight (San Francisco, CA) (Aug 2011) [2]
> At Heathrow (London, UK) (Aug 2011) [1]
> Along the Thames (London, UK) (Aug 2011) [4]
> Around Parliament (Architecture) (London, UK) (Aug 2011) [57]
> Around Parliament (Philomena) (London, UK) (Aug 2011) [14]
> Hyde Park (London, UK) (Aug 2011) [3]
> Misc. (London, UK) (Aug 2011) [3]
> Southbank (Architecture) (London, UK) (Aug 2011) [10]
> Southbank (Philomena) (London, UK) (Aug 2011) [5]
> Under the Bridge (London, UK) (Aug 2011) [10]
> Around Town (Stockholm, Sweden) (Aug 2011) [16]
> Surf & Turf (London, UK) (Aug 2011) [9]
> A Walk (London, UK) (Aug 2011) [6]
> Cab Ride (London, UK) (Aug 2011) [1]
> After Bath (London, UK) (Aug 2011) [3]
> Notting Hill (London, UK) (Aug 2011) [8]
> Thameside (London, UK) (Aug 2011) [3]
> Waterloo Station (London, UK) (Aug 2011) [7]
> Southbank II (London, UK) (Aug 2011) [5]

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